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Hey there fitness enthusiasts! Are you ready to take your workout routine to the next level? If you’re tired of the same old mundane workouts and want to spice things up, then you’re in for a treat. In this article, we’re going to dive into a workout split that will challenge your muscles, keep you motivated, and help you achieve your fitness goals. Get ready to embrace the 6-day workout split: the PPL/Arnold Split!

Now, you might be wondering what makes this workout split so special. Well, let me tell you, it’s a powerhouse combination that brings together the best of both worlds. The first three days follow the tried-and-true Push, Pull, Legs (PPL) routine, targeting different muscle groups with each session. But wait, there’s more! The excitement doesn’t end there because the next three days are dedicated to the legendary Arnold Split, focusing on specific muscle groups for maximum gains.

Overview of this 6 Day Workout Split

The 6-day workout split we’re about to explore is known as the PPL/Arnold Split. It combines two popular training methodologies to provide a comprehensive and effective workout routine. Let’s break it down.

The first three days of the split follow the Push, Pull, Legs (PPL) structure. On the push day, you’ll focus on exercises that target the muscles involved in pushing movements, such as chest, shoulders, and triceps. The pull day emphasizes exercises that engage the muscles responsible for pulling motions, like back and biceps. Lastly, the leg day concentrates on lower body exercises to strengthen and develop your legs.

Now, here’s where the PPL/Arnold Split gets even more exciting. The next three days are dedicated to the Arnold Split. Named after the legendary bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger, this split focuses on specific muscle groups each day to maximize growth and definition. Day four is all about chest and back exercises, day five targets shoulders and arms, and day six wraps it up with a leg-focused workout.

By combining the PPL and Arnold Split methodologies, this 6-day workout split ensures that you hit every major muscle group with precision and intensity. It provides a well-rounded training program that promotes muscle hypertrophy, strength gains, and overall physique transformation.

Day 1: Push

Let’s talk about push exercises, my friend! These exercises target your chest, shoulders, and triceps, and they’re essential for building a strong upper body.

Think bench presses, dumbbell chest presses, push-ups, overhead presses, and more. These exercises will sculpt your chest, define your shoulders, and give your triceps that impressive look.

Remember, focus on proper form and technique to maximize results. Start with lighter weights and gradually increase as you master the movements.

Sample Push Day


  1. Flat Dumbbell Press
  2. Incline Smith Machine Press
  3. Decline Cable Press
  4. Pec Dec Fly


  1. Military Press
  2. Dumbbell Lateral Raises
  3. Leaning Cable Lateral Raises


  1. Skull Crushers
  2. Cable Tricep Pushdowns

Day 2: Pull

Let’s talk about pull exercises, my friend! These exercises target your back and biceps, giving you a strong and impressive upper body.

Think pull-ups, rows, and curls. Pull-ups work your lats, traps, and biceps, while rows strengthen your mid-back. And for those biceps, curls are the way to go.

Remember to maintain proper form, engage the right muscles, and start with lighter weights to focus on technique. Gradually increase the load as you progress.

Sample Pull Day


  1. Pull-Ups
  2. Barbell Rows
  3. Dumbbell Rows
  4. Lat Pulldowns
  5. T-Bar Rows
  6. Seated Cable Rows
  7. Dumbbell Shrugs



  1. Hammer Curls
  2. Concentration Curls
  3. Reverse Grip Barbell Curls

Day 3: Leg Day

Leg training is often overlooked but holds immense importance in any fitness routine. Strong and well-developed legs provide more than just aesthetic benefits; they contribute to overall strength, balance, and athletic performance. 

Leg workouts improve functional strength, enabling you to handle daily activities with ease. Additionally, they promote muscle balance, prevent imbalances, and reduce the risk of injuries. 

Leg exercises, such as squats and lunges, engage large muscle groups and boost metabolism, supporting weight loss and fat burning. Moreover, leg training stimulates the release of growth hormone and testosterone, facilitating muscle growth throughout the body. 

Strong legs are vital for athletes, enhancing power, speed, agility, and endurance. Lastly, leg exercises strengthen the muscles surrounding the knees and hips, promoting joint health and preventing injuries. 

So, incorporate leg training into your routine to reap the diverse benefits it offers and improve your overall fitness.

Sample Leg Day

  1. Back Squats
  2. Walking Lunges
  3. Donkey Kicks
  4. RDLs
  5. Leg Extensions
  6. Hamstring Curls

Day 4: Chest/Back

Ah, chest and back day! It’s all about sculpting and strengthening those upper body muscles. On this day of the PPL/Arnold Split, you’ll focus on exercises like bench press, dumbbell flyes, barbell rows, lat pulldowns, and pull-ups. 

These movements target your chest and back muscles, helping you develop a defined chest and a powerful V-shaped back. 

Remember to maintain proper form, challenge yourself with weights, and gradually increase intensity. Get ready to push and pull your way to an impressive upper body!

Sample Chest and Back Day


  1. Flat Barbell Bench Press
  2. Incline Dumbbell Press
  3. Decline Bench Press
  4. Pec Dec Flys



  1. Barbell Rows
  2. Single Arm Dumbbell Row
  3. Lat Pull-down
  4. Single Arm Cable Pull Down

Day 5: Shoulders and Arms

Welcome to the world of shoulders and arms training! This section of the PPL/Arnold Split focuses on developing strong, defined shoulders and powerful arms. 

Get ready to target your deltoids, biceps, and triceps with a variety of exercises. From shoulder presses to curls and tricep extensions, we’ll help you shape and strengthen these muscle groups. 

Proper form and technique are crucial, so remember to engage the right muscles and gradually increase weights as you progress. Let’s dive into this section and elevate your upper body to new heights!

Sample Shoulder and Arm Day


  1. Dumbbell Shoulder Press
  2. Dumbbell Lateral Raise
  3. Rear Delt Fly (Pec dec or cable)
  4. Upright Rows



  1. Overhead Tricep Cable Extension
  2. Cable Tricep Kick-backs
  3. Skull Crushers



  1. Hammer Curls
  2. EZ Bar Curls

Day 6: Legs

Alright, my friend, welcome to Day 6 of the Arnold Split – Legs! Today, we’re diving into a leg workout that will put your lower body to the test and help you achieve strong, defined legs. 

Get ready for exercises like squats, lunges, deadlifts, and leg press. We’re targeting your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves to build power and definition. 

Leg day requires focus and determination, but the results are worth it – improved athletic performance and a well-balanced physique. Remember to prioritize form, start with lighter weights, and gradually increase as you progress. 

It’s time to embrace the challenge, push through the burn, and transform your legs. Let’s crush this leg day and take your fitness journey to the next level!

Sample Leg Day

  1. Front Squats
  2. Leg Press
  3. Hip Thrusts
  4. Box Jumps
  5. Hamstring Curls
  6. Seated Calf Raises

Importance of A Well Designed Workout Split

Let’s talk about the importance of having a well-designed workout split. You see, a workout split refers to the way you organize and distribute your exercises and training sessions throughout the week. And trust me, it can make a world of difference in your fitness journey.

First off, a well-designed workout split ensures that you’re giving each muscle group enough attention and recovery time. 

By strategically dividing your workouts, you prevent overtraining and allow specific muscles to rest and repair. This not only helps in avoiding injuries but also promotes muscle growth and overall progress.

Another key benefit of a workout split is its ability to optimize training efficiency. When you have a structured plan, you can focus on specific muscle groups or movement patterns during each session. 

This targeted approach allows you to give your all, push your limits, and maximize the effectiveness of your workouts. No more aimlessly wandering around the gym wondering what to do next!

A well-designed workout split also allows for better goal-specific training. Whether your aim is to build strength, increase muscle mass, or improve endurance, a split routine can be tailored to your specific objectives. 

You can allocate dedicated days or sessions for different goals, adjusting the intensity, volume, and exercise selection accordingly.

Not to mention, a well-planned split routine brings variety and prevents monotony. It keeps your workouts interesting and engaging by incorporating different exercises and training methods. 

This not only keeps you motivated but also challenges your muscles in new ways, leading to continued growth and progress.

Lastly, a properly structured workout split helps with time management. With a clear plan in place, you can optimize your time at the gym and make the most of your training sessions. 

No more wasting time figuring out what to do next or aimlessly wandering from one exercise to another.

Benefits of the Push Pull Legs / Arnold Split

The PPL/Arnold Split offers a range of benefits that can take your fitness journey to the next level. Let’s explore some of the key advantages of this training approach.

Comprehensive Muscle Development

The PPL/Arnold Split targets all major muscle groups by dividing workouts into push, pull, and leg days. This ensures that each muscle group receives adequate attention and stimulation for balanced development.

High Frequency and Volume

With the PPL/Arnold Split, you’ll have dedicated training days for specific muscle groups. This allows for increased frequency and volume, meaning you can hit each muscle group more often throughout the week, promoting muscle growth and strength gains.

Varied Training Stimulus

The combination of push, pull, and leg days in the PPL/Arnold Split provides a varied training stimulus. This helps to prevent plateaus and keeps your workouts interesting and engaging, leading to continued progress and motivation.

Optimal Muscle Recovery

The split routine provides ample recovery time for each muscle group. By spreading out the workload, you allow for proper rest and repair, reducing the risk of overtraining and promoting optimal recovery.

Flexibility and Customization

The PPL/Arnold Split is highly customizable to suit individual goals and preferences. You can adjust exercises, rep ranges, and training intensity to align with your specific needs and fitness level. This flexibility allows you to tailor the routine to your goals, whether it’s building strength, increasing muscle mass, or improving overall fitness.

Improved Focus and Intensity

By dedicating specific days to different muscle groups, the PPL/Arnold Split allows you to focus on the targeted muscles with greater intensity. This helps to maximize the effectiveness of your workouts, leading to better muscle recruitment and overall progress.


In conclusion, my friend, the PPL/Arnold Split is a powerful and effective training approach that can revolutionize your fitness journey. 

With its emphasis on balanced muscle development, increased frequency and volume, and customizable nature, this split routine offers numerous benefits.

By following the PPL/Arnold Split, you’ll experience comprehensive muscle development, improved recovery, and a varied training stimulus that keeps you motivated and progressing. 

The flexibility of this routine allows you to tailor it to your specific goals, whether it’s building strength, gaining muscle mass, or enhancing overall fitness.

Through focused workouts, increased intensity, and a stronger mind-muscle connection, the PPL/Arnold Split enables you to optimize your training and push your limits. 

It’s all about finding that perfect balance between pushing yourself and allowing for adequate rest and recovery.

So, my friend, embrace the power of the PPL/Arnold Split and unlock your full potential. 

Let this training approach be your guide as you sculpt and strengthen your body, one workout at a time. Remember, consistency, dedication, and proper form are key to achieving the results you desire.

Now, go forth, challenge yourself, and make the PPL/Arnold Split an integral part of your fitness routine. 

Get ready to witness the incredible transformations and enjoy the rewarding journey towards a stronger, fitter, and more confident you. The power is in your hands. Let’s do this!

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