Hey there! Have you ever wondered if you can shed some extra pounds by simply sitting in a sauna? Well, you’re not alone! 

Saunas have been a popular method for relaxation and rejuvenation for centuries, but recently, they’ve also gained attention as a potential calorie-burning tool. 

The idea of effortlessly burning calories and losing weight while enjoying the soothing warmth of a sauna sounds too good to be true, right? 

In this article, we’re going to dive deep into the world of saunas and explore the fascinating question: Does sauna really burn calories? 

So, grab a towel and get ready to sweat it out as we uncover the truth behind this weight loss claim!

So, Does Sauna Burn Calories?

Calorie Burn Factors

Several factors can influence the calorie burn experienced during a sauna session. Factors that influence how saunas burn calories:

  • Duration and Frequency: The length and frequency of sauna sessions play a role in calorie burn. Spending more time in the sauna can lead to a higher calorie expenditure. However, it’s important to note that extended or excessively frequent sauna sessions can also pose risks and may not be suitable for everyone. It’s advisable to follow recommended guidelines and listen to your body’s signals.

  • Temperature and Intensity: The temperature and intensity of the sauna session can affect calorie burn. Higher temperatures generally result in more significant energy expenditure, as the body works to regulate its internal temperature. However, it’s essential to ensure that the sauna temperature is within a safe range and that you can tolerate the heat comfortably.

  • Body Composition and Metabolism: Individual factors, such as body composition and metabolism, can influence calorie burn in a sauna. People with higher muscle mass tend to have higher metabolic rates, leading to increased energy expenditure. Additionally, individuals with faster metabolisms may burn calories more efficiently than those with slower metabolisms.

  • Hydration and Water Loss: Sweating is a primary mechanism by which the body cools down in a sauna. The process of sweating can result in temporary water weight loss. While this may not directly contribute to calorie burn, it can give the impression of weight loss. It’s crucial to rehydrate adequately after a sauna session to replenish lost fluids.

  • Individual Variations: Each person’s response to a sauna session can vary. Factors such as age, fitness level, and overall health can influence how many calories are burned during a sauna session. Additionally, individual differences in sweat production and thermoregulatory mechanisms can impact the amount of energy expended.

  • Post-Sauna Effects: It’s worth noting that the potential calorie burn in a sauna can extend beyond the actual session itself. The heat exposure in a sauna may temporarily increase the body’s metabolic rate, leading to a slightly higher calorie burn even after leaving the sauna. However, the overall impact is likely to be modest.

While saunas can contribute to calorie burn, it’s essential to approach them as part of a comprehensive approach to health and weight management. 

Calorie Expenditure

Estimating the exact caloric expenditure during sauna use is challenging due to limited research specifically focused on this topic. So how many calories do saunas burn?:

  1. Duration-Based Estimates:

    • A 15-minute sauna session may burn approximately 150-300 calories.

    • A 30-minute sauna session may burn approximately 300-600 calories.

    • A 60-minute sauna session may burn approximately 600-1200 calories.

  2. Intensity and Temperature-Based Estimates:

    • Higher sauna temperatures (e.g., 174°F or 80°C) may lead to increased caloric expenditure.

    • Intense sauna sessions may burn more calories compared to milder sessions.

It’s important to note that these estimates are rough approximations, and individual variation can significantly impact the actual caloric expenditure. 

Moreover, it’s crucial to distinguish between calorie burn from body fat oxidation and water weight loss. Saunas primarily lead to temporary water weight loss through sweating, which can be regained through rehydration. 

The calorie burn associated with saunas may not directly contribute to long-term fat loss or weight management.

It’s essential to approach saunas as part of a holistic approach to health and weight management, focusing on regular exercise, a balanced diet, and overall healthy lifestyle habits. 

Increased Metabolism

The increased metabolism that occurs during a sauna session can potentially lead to additional calorie burn. 

When exposed to the heat of a sauna, the body’s metabolic rate tends to increase as it works to regulate body temperature and cool itself down. This increase in metabolic rate can result in the burning of additional calories.

The rise in body temperature during a sauna session prompts various physiological responses. The heart rate typically elevates, and blood vessels dilate, leading to improved circulation. 

This increased circulation delivers oxygen and nutrients to different tissues in the body, including muscles, which can potentially enhance energy expenditure.

Moreover, the heat stress experienced in a sauna can stimulate the body’s thermoregulatory mechanisms. This process activates sweat production, which requires energy expenditure. As the body sweats to cool itself, calories are burned to fuel this cooling process.

It’s important to note that the magnitude of calorie burn during a sauna session is influenced by several factors, including the individual’s age, sex, body composition, metabolic rate, and the duration and temperature of the sauna session. 

While sauna-induced calorie burn may not be as significant as that achieved through aerobic exercise or other forms of physical activity, it can still contribute to overall energy expenditure.

Type of Sauna for Caloric Burning

Now let’s talk about how the type of sauna you choose can impact calorie expenditure. Saunas come in different forms, such as traditional Finnish saunas, the infrared sauna, and steam saunas. 

Traditional saunas heat the air, while infrared saunas use infrared heaters to directly heat your body. 

An infrared sauna will typically burn the least amount of calories because of the lower temperature and dry atmosphere. 

Steam saunas create a humid environment. 

While all saunas can make you sweat and temporarily lose water weight, the calorie-burning effects are modest, but can help you lose weight. 

Saunas should be seen as a complement to a healthy lifestyle rather than a primary weight loss tool.

Weight Loss vs Water Loss

A. Differentiating between burning calories and losing water weight:

Burning calories refers to the energy expended by the body through various processes, including metabolic activities. 

In contrast, losing water weight refers to the temporary loss of fluids from the body, primarily through sweating.

While saunas can increase heart rate and metabolic rate, leading to some calorie burn, the majority of weight loss experienced during a sauna session is due to water loss rather than fat loss. 

Sweating in the sauna causes the body to release moisture, resulting in a decrease in overall body weight. However, this weight loss is primarily due to fluid loss and can be quickly regained through rehydration.

B. The temporary nature of water weight loss:

Water weight loss from sweating in a sauna is temporary and does not represent long-term fat loss or weight management. As soon as the body is rehydrated, the lost fluids are replenished, and the weight returns to its original level.

It’s essential to understand that the scale may show a lower number immediately after a sauna session due to the loss of water weight. 

However, this reduction is not indicative of sustainable or meaningful body fat loss. It’s important to focus on long-term lifestyle changes, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, for effective and sustainable weight management.

C. Implications for long-term weight management:

While saunas can offer relaxation and potential health benefits, they should not be relied upon as the primary method for long-term weight management. The calorie burn experienced in a sauna is relatively modest compared to the energy expenditure from physical activity or exercise.

For sustainable weight management, it’s crucial to focus on creating a calorie deficit through a combination of a healthy diet and regular physical activity. This approach supports overall metabolic health, muscle development, and fat loss.

Incorporating saunas into a comprehensive weight management routine may provide some additional benefits, such as stress reduction and relaxation. 

Saunas both burn calories and help you lose weight.

Additional Health Benefits of Saunas

A. Detoxification and Improved Skin Health:

Saunas are often associated with detoxification, as the high temperatures and sweating help eliminate toxins from the body. Sweating in the sauna opens up the pores and promotes deep cleansing of the skin. This process can remove impurities and dead skin cells, leading to improved skin health, a refreshed complexion, and a youthful glow.

B. Reduction in Stress and Relaxation Effects:

One of the primary benefits of sauna use is its ability to reduce stress and induce relaxation. The heat and quiet environment of a sauna create a soothing atmosphere that promotes relaxation, relieves muscle tension, and helps alleviate mental stress. Sauna sessions can be a valuable tool in managing stress, promoting overall well-being, and improving mood.

C. Impact on Cardiovascular Health and Circulation:

Regular sauna use has been linked to several cardiovascular benefits. The heat exposure in a sauna leads to increased heart rate and dilation of blood vessels, improving blood circulation throughout the body. This enhanced circulation can benefit cardiovascular health by reducing blood pressure, improving endothelial function, and increasing oxygen and nutrient delivery to tissues.

Additionally, sauna sessions may have positive effects on certain cardiovascular risk factors. Research suggests that sauna use may help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, improve lipid profiles, and reduce arterial stiffness. These effects, combined with the relaxation induced by saunas, may contribute to improved overall cardiovascular health.

Sauna as a Compliment to a Healthy Lifestyle

A. Importance of a Balanced Diet and Regular Exercise:

While saunas can offer certain health benefits, it’s essential to emphasize that they should be viewed as a complement to, rather than a substitute for, a balanced diet and regular exercise. 

A healthy lifestyle includes consuming nutrient-rich foods in appropriate portions and engaging in regular physical activity to support overall well-being, weight management, and optimal health.

B. Integration of Sauna Sessions into a Weight Management Routine:

When it comes to weight management, saunas can be integrated into a comprehensive routine that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise. 

While sauna sessions alone may have a modest impact on calorie burn, they can be a supplementary activity to support overall weight management efforts.

Using saunas as part of a weight management routine can provide relaxation, promote stress reduction, and potentially enhance post-workout recovery. 

However, it’s important to remember that sustainable weight loss or maintenance requires a calorie deficit achieved through a combination of healthy eating and physical activity.

C. Potential Benefits of Combining Sauna Use with Other Healthy Habits:

Incorporating saunas into a broader healthy lifestyle can offer synergistic benefits. For example:

  1. Relaxation and Stress Reduction: Sauna sessions can help alleviate stress, promote relaxation, and improve mental well-being. Combining sauna use with stress management techniques like mindfulness, deep breathing exercises, or meditation can further enhance the stress-relieving benefits.

  2. Post-Exercise Recovery: Saunas may aid in muscle recovery by increasing blood flow and reducing muscle tension. After a workout, a sauna session can help relax muscles, relieve soreness, and enhance the recovery process. It’s important to stay hydrated and listen to your body’s signals during and after sauna use.

  3. Detoxification and Skin Health: Saunas promote sweating, which can aid in the elimination of toxins and impurities from the body. To support the detoxification process, it’s essential to maintain proper hydration by drinking water before, during, and after sauna sessions. Additionally, combining sauna use with a skincare routine that includes gentle cleansing and moisturizing can help optimize skin health.

By integrating saunas into a broader healthy lifestyle that includes nutritious eating, regular exercise, stress management, and skincare practices, individuals can use the sauna to burn a few extra calories rather than being the sold way of losing body fat.


In conclusion, while sauna bathing may not be primarily designed for vigorous exercise or significant calorie burn, they can still contribute to overall energy expenditure. 

  1. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after a sauna session to maintain proper hydration and compensate for fluid loss through sweating.

  2. Limit Duration and Temperature: Adhere to recommended guidelines for sauna duration and temperature to avoid excessive heat exposure. Start with shorter sessions and gradually increase the time as your body adjusts.

  3. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body responds to the heat and adjust the duration and temperature accordingly. If you feel lightheaded, dizzy, or experience any discomfort, exit the sauna immediately.

  4. Use Saunas in Conjunction with a Healthy Lifestyle: Incorporate saunas into a broader healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, stress management techniques, and skincare practices for optimal overall well-being.

  5. Consult with a Healthcare Professional: If you have any underlying health conditions or concerns, consult with a healthcare professional before using saunas to ensure they are safe and appropriate for you.

In summary, while saunas can contribute to calorie burn, their primary benefits lie in relaxation, stress reduction, detoxification, and potential cardiovascular effects

By integrating saunas into a comprehensive approach to a healthy lifestyle, individuals can enjoy the potential benefits of sauna use while focusing on sustainable weight management and overall well-being


So there you have it! While saunas may not be the magic solution for shedding those extra pounds, they can still offer a range of benefits. 

Saunas provide a relaxing and therapeutic experience, helping you unwind and relieve stress. They can also promote better circulation, soothe muscle tension, and contribute to overall well-being.

How many calories will you burn? Well not a ton, but certainly enough to make a difference.

Saunas can be a wonderful addition to your self-care routine, but they shouldn’t be relied upon as the sole method for burning calories.

So go ahead, enjoy a sauna session for its rejuvenating effects, and savor the feeling of warmth and relaxation. 

Just don’t forget to combine it with a holistic approach to your health and fitness goals. Here’s to embracing a balanced lifestyle that brings you both happiness and well-being.

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