Yoga is a great way to spend time with friends and grow stronger together, and today we will explore some wonderful 3 person yoga poses that you and your friends will love.

Partner yoga, also known as couples or acro yoga, involves two or more individuals practicing yoga poses together. 

Taking the practice of partner yoga to the next level, three person yoga poses introduce an additional participant into the mix so that practicing yoga can be fun.

These trio yoga poses require even more coordination, communication, and cooperation among participants, offering a unique opportunity to deepen connections and explore new possibilities in yoga practice.

Understanding 3 Person Yoga Poses


3 person yoga poses involve three yoga partners working together to create synchronized and balanced postures.

3 person yoga poses deepen the sense of connection, trust, and collaboration among participants while expanding the possibilities of traditional yoga practice.


Communication, trust, and cooperation are paramount when practicing 3 person yoga poses. 

Clear and effective communication is essential for coordinating movements, ensuring everyone’s safety, and expressing individual needs and boundaries. 

Trust is built through mutual reliance on each other for support and stability. Cooperation is necessary to achieve proper alignment and balance within the poses. 

By cultivating these qualities, participants enhance their ability to work together harmoniously, both on and off the yoga mat.


The benefits of practicing 3 person yoga poses are multifaceted. Firstly, these poses foster a deeper sense of connection among participants.

Additionally, the dynamic nature of trio yoga poses challenges individuals to refine their body awareness, balance, and coordination, leading to improved physical strength and flexibility as well as better body weight composition.

3 person yoga poses also encourage creativity and problem-solving skills. Participants must collaborate and explore different variations and modifications to find a balance that suits everyone involved.

Examples of Yoga Poses for 3

1. Triple Down Dog

  1. Description of the pose:

    Triple Down Dog is a three-person variation of the classic Downward Dog pose. In this pose, two participants act as the base, forming an inverted “V” shape with their bodies, while the third participant positions themselves in a supported handstand position between the bases.

  2. Instructions for executing the pose:

    • Base participants: Begin in a traditional Downward Dog position with your hands shoulder-width apart and feet hip-width apart. Engage your core and maintain a strong foundation. Ensure your hips are lifted high towards the ceiling.

    • Flyer participant: Approach the base participants and position yourself facing away from them. Place your hands on the ground, shoulder-width apart, a short distance in front of the base participants’ hands.

    • Base participants: Slowly walk your feet towards the flyer, allowing them to position their feet on your upper back or shoulders. Create a stable platform by firmly pressing your hands into the ground.

    • Flyer participant: Lift one leg at a time, extending them towards the ceiling, while maintaining a straight line from head to toes. Keep your core engaged and find balance and stability in the handstand position.

    • Communicate and adjust as needed to find a comfortable and secure position for all participants.

  3. Benefits and variations:

    • Benefits: Triple Down Dog strengthens the arms, shoulders, and core muscles of all participants. It improves balance, body awareness, and coordination. The base participants also experience a deep stretch in their hamstrings and calves, while the flyer participant gains upper body strength and stability.

    • Variations: i. Supported L position: Instead of a handstand, the flyer can place their legs in an “L” shape against the base participants’ shoulders, maintaining balance and stability. ii. Supported split: The flyer extends one leg towards the ceiling while the other leg is extended to the side, creating a split position with the support of the base participants. iii. Dynamic movement: Participants can explore transitioning between Triple Down Dog and other poses, such as moving into a plank position or gently lowering the flyer’s legs towards the ground and back up, adding fluidity and flow to the pose.

three person yoga poses

2. Three person plank

  1. Description of the pose:

3 person plank pose is a challenging yoga pose that requires coordination and balance between three participants. In this pose, each participant supports their body in a plank position, creating a triangle shape with their bodies. The pose involves body weight distribution and requires each participant to keep core muscles engaged.

  1. Instructions for executing the pose:

To execute three-person plank, follow these instructions:

  • Begin in a standard plank position, with your forearms and toes on the ground, and your body in a straight line.

  • Invite two other participants to join you, placing their forearms and toes on the ground in a triangle shape.

  • As you come into the pose, distribute your weight evenly between your forearms and toes, engaging your core muscles for stability.

  • Hold the pose for several breaths, then release and come back to a seated position.

  1. Benefits and variations:

Three-person plank offers several benefits, including:

  • Building core strength and stability

  • Improving balance and coordination

  • Strengthening the arms, shoulders, and back muscles

  • Encouraging teamwork and communication among participants

Variations of three-person plank include:

  • Elevated three-person plank: In this variation, one participant elevates their legs onto a yoga block or bolster, adding an extra challenge to the pose.

  • Three-person side plank: In this variation, the three participants come into a side plank position, creating a triangle shape with their bodies. This pose strengthens the core muscles, arms, and oblique muscles.

  • Three-person chaturanga: In this variation, the three participants come into a chaturanga pose, with their bodies in a straight line, hovering above the ground. This pose strengthens the arms, chest, and core muscles.

yoga poses for 3

3. Pyramid Shaped Triple Downward Dog

  1. Description of the pose:

    The Pyramid-Shaped Triple Downward Dog is a challenging pose. It forms a triangular shape with the bodies of the participants, resembling a pyramid. In this pose, one person serves as the base or foundation, while the other two participants rest their feet on the base’s hips or lower back, forming an inverted V-shape.

  2. Benefits and variations:

    • Benefits:

      • Strengthens the upper body, including the shoulders, arms, and core muscles.

      • Improves balance and stability for all participants.

      • Stretches and lengthens the hamstrings, calves, and spine.

      • Enhances communication and coordination among participants.

    • Variations:

      • Three-Legged Downward Dog: In this variation, one participant lifts a leg while in the Pyramid-Shaped Triple Downward Facing Dog, challenging balance and adding an extra element of strength and flexibility.

      • Synchronized Breathing: Participants can synchronize their breath, inhaling and exhaling together to create a deeper sense of connection and harmony in the pose.

      • Adding Movement: Once stability is achieved, participants can explore small movements, such as gently swaying or pulsing the hips, to deepen the stretch and engagement of the muscles.

yoga poses for three

4. Triad Tree Pose

  1. Triad Tree Pose is a three people yoga variation of the traditional Tree Pose in which three individuals come together to form a tree-like shape.

  2. To execute Triad Tree Pose, the three participants stand in a triangular formation, with all three participants facing each other. All three take up the same position and meat their hands in the middle to provide stability.

Safety Precautions

Warm Up

Warm-up exercises play a crucial role in any physical activity, including yoga. They are essential for preparing the body and mind for the practice ahead. Here are some key reasons why warm-up exercises are important:

  1. Increased blood flow: Engaging in warm-up exercises raises the heart rate and increases blood circulation throughout the body. This, in turn, delivers oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, preparing them for the physical demands of yoga poses.

  2. Improved flexibility: Warm-up exercises gradually increase joint mobility and flexibility by warming up the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This reduces the risk of muscle strains or injuries during more challenging yoga poses and allows for a greater range of motion.

  3. Injury prevention: Proper warm-up exercises help prevent injuries by preparing the body for physical exertion. They increase body awareness and improve proprioception, which is the ability to sense the position and movement of the body. This helps individuals maintain proper alignment and technique during yoga poses, reducing the likelihood of strains, sprains, or other injuries.

  4. Mental readiness: Warm-up exercises not only prepare the body but also focus and prepare the mind for the yoga practice. They provide an opportunity to transition from daily activities and distractions into a more present and focused state. This mental readiness enhances concentration, allowing participants to get the most out of their yoga session.

  5. Enhanced performance: By warming up the muscles and increasing blood flow, warm-up exercises optimize muscle function, reaction time, and overall physical performance. This can lead to improved strength, balance, and stability during yoga poses, enabling individuals to explore more advanced variations and achieve their full potential.

Tailoring warm-up exercises to the specific needs of the body and the intensity of the yoga session is essential for reaping their benefits and ensuring a safe and enjoyable practice.


  • Safety: Not all of these are easy yoga poses. Clear communication is crucial for ensuring the safety and well-being of all participants. It allows individuals to express their comfort levels, physical limitations, and any concerns they may have.

  • Boundaries and Consent: Trio acro yoga poses often involve physical contact and close proximity. It is essential for participants to establish and respect each other’s boundaries. Consent should be obtained before initiating any physical contact, such as providing support or adjusting a pose. All participants should feel empowered to express their boundaries and have them respected throughout the practice.

  • Verbal and Non-verbal Communication: Effective communication can take various forms, including verbal and non-verbal cues. Participants should feel comfortable communicating their needs, offering suggestions, or asking for adjustments. Non-verbal cues, such as eye contact, body language, and gestures, can also convey important information during the practice. Being attentive to these cues fosters a supportive and collaborative environment.

  • Active Listening: Communication is a two-way process that involves active listening. It is important to attentively listen to the needs and concerns of fellow participants. This promotes empathy, understanding, and a deeper connection among the individuals involved. Active listening also allows for better coordination and synchronization during 3 person yoga poses.

  • Open Dialogue: Encouraging open and respectful dialogue among participants make three people yoga poses much easier and more enjoyable. It allows for the exchange of ideas, feedback, and suggestions, enhancing the overall experience and learning process.

Conclusion of 3 Person Yoga Poses

A. 3 yoga poses offer a range of benefits, including improved physical strength, flexibility, and coordination. They deepen connections, foster trust, and promote effective communication and cooperation among participants. Engaging in these poses can be physically invigorating and emotionally rewarding.

B. As you delve into the world of acro yoga poses, embrace the opportunity to explore and enjoy this unique practice. Allow yourself to step out of your comfort zone, trust your fellow practitioners, and embrace the challenges and rewards that arise along the way.

C. One of the beautiful aspects of yoga is the shared experiences and connections that are forged during the practice. Three people yoga poses offer a profound opportunity to deepen those connections and cultivate a sense of unity and support. Cherish the bonds you create and the shared journey you embark upon together, for it is in these connections that the true essence of yoga unfolds.

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